5 Benefits of Back Facials
Back facials can be beneficial in cleansing those tough-to-reach spots, targeting a variety of skin care needs such as clogged pores, back acne, and dehydrated skin. This treatment mimics many of the traditional techniques used while performing treatments for the face, and incorporate deep cleansing, extractions, and purifying masks. Even if you donβt have dry skin, your complexion can become parched due to extreme weather, travel or stress. A Gel Therapy mask helps to provides a boost of moisture that relieves occasional or chronic dryness, tightness and irritation. The lightweight gel therapy sinks into skin easily to provide instant relief.
The gel formula is ideal for combination skin types because it will not leave a greasy texture on the complexion. Because this mask provides a boost of moisture, it helps balance the complexion which creates a more youthful and radiant appearance. Skin appears smoother and softer and fine lines are less apparent after using this mask. All skin types can use this mask a few times a week to ensure that skin stays hydrated.This mask includes minerals such as iron, magnesium and zinc nourish skin, Ginseng and Chinese herbs.
Gel masks help balance the complexion and also Softens and smooths fine lines. Some additional benefits of this mask include:
π Refreshes dull skin
π Softens and smooths skin
π Soothes dehydrated skin
π Locks in moisture
πTackles B(acne)
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Hello, I'm Tricia J! You may know me as Ask TPJ. I am the master storyteller, idea curator, visionary, branding genius, licensed aesthetician, master herbalist, advanced aromatherapist, and Purpose Doula TM. I own two businesses: Cynnamon Sugar and BillionHeir Legacy Media. I have an amazing boss (me!) and I'm unafraid to balance my work and home life. I love to help people feel beautiful about the skin they're in. I've been giving my clients the #CynnaLuxeTouch since 2011. I'm fascinated by skincare for people of color and love to educate us and create products specifically curated with us in mind.